Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What I’m Watching: Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: Season 1, Episode 10 “Zoey’s Extraordinary Outburst” (B)

It was strange to have a week off in the middle of what, since this show’s second episode, has been an otherwise completely uninterrupted run. This episode followed in the trend of three consecutive hours dealing with something even more unusual than just Zoey hearing the people in her life perform songs all the time, allowing her to truly express herself with pent-up anger boiling over for the first time. Max siding with his sixth floor team over his old group was a huge blow, and it did seem like Zoey was making it much more about her than about the fact that he really hadn’t been valued and appreciated. The face-off musical number was a good use of a lot of talent and choreography, and certainly felt more natural than Mo’s forced dance party designed to get Zoey and Simon to release the energy that they were using to scream at each other and wake up the entire neighborhood. Simon understandably didn’t want to get hot and heavy after Zoey had run off the night before, and I actually think their relationship could stand a chance if she tries to check the hurtful things she wants to say and instead try to productively help and relate to him. It was sweet that Zoey worked hard with her family to provide a romantic dinner for her parents on their anniversary, especially given that this may be one of the last memories they’ll be able to make together. Joan is definitely going to regret so callously dumping Leif, though his jumping ship is much more complicated now that they’ve had a romantic relationship.

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