Saturday, May 2, 2020

What I’m Watching: Breeders (Season Finale)

Breeders: Season 1, Episode 10 “No Cure – Part 2” (B+)

I was worried going into this episode that Luke was in serious trouble, though it would have felt very dark for this comedy series about stressed parents to close its first season with the sudden death of a child. I like that that there were still moments of levity to be found in the time that they were anxiously waiting, like Jim explaining how he couldn’t cook pasta and didn’t know what a nugget was. Paul making only minimal small talk with his fellow smoker outside was yet another instance of bluntness that felt so right for her. Ally’s return was heartfelt, but things almost got bad when they both started to blame each other for Ally not being home when this happened. It was sweet to hear Paul’s answer when Ally asked if they were solid at the end of the episode, and his definition of bendy as more durable was both great and accurate. Recalling the many times that he lost his temper and screamed at Luke when he didn’t know if he would survive was heart-wrenching, and it seems that, after everything, he realized he might actually have an anger problem. That final shot of him admitting that in therapy was great, and I sincerely hope that this season gets renewed for a second season. Martin Freeman and Daisy Haggard were terrific, and I would be so thrilled if they managed to earn some Emmy attention for their superb work here. I considered not watching this episode past the pilot, and I’m very glad I made a different choice.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Martin Freeman and Daisy Haggard

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