Monday, May 25, 2020

What I’m Watching: Dead to Me

Dead to Me: Season 2, Episode 3 “You Can’t Live Like This” (B)

Though I’m posting my reviews once a week, I’m actually writing them as I go through this series, which I’m doing at a much quicker rate than any other streaming show in the past. I’m averaging an episode a day, and watching that as perhaps all Netflix and similar content is meant to be done shines a light on lackluster episodes. There wasn’t anything particularly bad about this half-hour, but if I watched it and had to wait another week for the next installment, I would be quite disappointed. It’s mainly that nothing was accomplished and that it felt like filler content. The freezer obviously isn’t haunted and Steve is very much dead inside it, and the infestation of rats that came spewing out from under it was rightfully unsettling if nothing more. Jen and Judy are taking a lot of risks by leaving Steve’s body in there, and only Jen’s son’s creepy friend seems to notice that she’s trying to Google how to move a dead body. Jen’s mental state is affecting her work, as her selling abilities are decreased by her impatience and her sharing the fact that her home has rats, and she’s being ripped apart the same way Judy was by holding in the secret that Steve didn’t attack her when she killed him. She definitely should not tell her since Judy won’t react well, though at least she’s managed to make a new friend in Michelle, and I’m glad that, as I had hoped, Natalie Morales wasn’t just showing up for a short guest appearance but instead to become a more regular player.

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