Wednesday, May 13, 2020

What I’m Watching: Defending Jacob

Defending Jacob: Season 1, Episode 5 “Visitors” (B)

I had forgotten that J.K. Simmons was announced as a cast member on this show, and it now makes complete sense that he would be playing Andy’s murderer father. He made an immediate impression as a vicious, unkind person, and whatever help he may now be ready to offer is sure to come with strings attached that will unnerve Andy and threaten whatever mental stability he has left. Opening the hour with “The Circle Game” playing at graduation before Ben’s mother spoke was a haunting setup, and Laurie experienced yet another devastating moment when she ran into her in the supermarket just after she had finally worked up the positive energy to buy something celebratory, which prompted her to spit in Laurie’s face. Running to Dr. Vogel was an interesting move, and even though she’s not the appropriate therapist for her, she was at least compassionate and understanding, which Laurie definitely needed. Her story about a young Jacob nearly smashing a bowling ball over another kid’s head was disturbing, and the mentions of this cutting room porn site do not bode well for Jacob’s innocence. Andy is still doing his own off-the-books research, which we see during the eventual trial doesn’t look good for him, and it’s unclear whether that wordless phone call, which represents a lead that might prove crucial, will lead to anything just yet. Even if he is concerned, Andy certainly isn’t sharing any of that with Jacob, offering him a totally positive perspective on his chances in front of a jury.

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