Sunday, May 10, 2020

What I’m Watching: The Flash

The Flash: Season 6, Episode 18 “Pay the Piper” (B+)

This was actually the most focused episode we’ve seen in a while, bringing back a moderately frustrating villain, Godspeed, to keep on the shelf for the future as Barry gains the clarity he needs to return to focus on fighting Eva and getting Iris back. Everyone was understandably frustrated about having duplicates around them and being tricked into thinking they were real, and it seemed to rattle Cisco in particular, who, unlike Barry, hadn’t come to the truth on his own. Barry’s learning plenty about the new changes that have come about as a result of the multiverse combining into just one, and Hartley hating him because of Roderick’s injuries that were sustained as a result of Barry trying to stop him was just another problem to serve as a distraction. Fortunately, Barry tapped into his humanity and gauged Hartley’s relationship with Roderick as more than just friendship, enabling them to team up and save the day when Barry’s speed wasn’t enough to stop Godspeed. Using the charge sound to save Roger was a happy ending, and now maybe Hartley can be an ally to help in the future. Ralph giving Frost a Dib-ploma as she prepares to head off to find Caitlin’s mother was a nice sentiment, and I’m curious if it means that Danielle Panabaker is leaving the show. Iris finding Kamilla in the mirrorverse and vowing to work together to locate Singh and find a way out is affirming, and it looks like what’s now going to stand in as the finale might actually be just the excitement we need to send off this show’s sixth season.

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