Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What I’m Watching: Homecoming

Homecoming: Season 2, Episode 2 “Giant” (B-)

I realized midway through this tedious episode what set it apart from season one when it still wasn’t clear at all what was going on: conversation. Heidi and Walter were talking constantly, and there’s barely any of that now. I’d be curious how many minutes by the end of the season simply involve dramatic music and Jackie looking unsettled. Following Audrey to the Geist headquarters prompted Jackie to, for some reason, go along with the testing and listen to others discuss their negative associations with citrus. Craig’s new role doesn’t seem quite as challenging, and he has a very non-threatening vibe even if he’s much more aware of what’s really happening than he ever indicates. Pepper-spraying him so that she could go break into Colin’s office didn’t seem to be noticed by anyone as Mr. Geist, who Audrey calls Leonard, stepped up to the microphone to rail against whatever the mission of the company may really be. Mentions of a new partner that apparently controls them suggest that Audrey is trying to hold everything together because she knows that the alternative is much worse. As we got another reminder of season one in the form of the split-screens with two people staring intently at the camera, we got the ultimate surprise when Audrey and Jackie met each other. Audrey kissing Jackie was not at all what I expected, and she didn’t seem pleased at all by that greeting. Her photo being on the wall in Colin’s office is disconcerting, but obviously she’s much more involved than she thought – and a completely different way – with this operation.

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