Friday, May 1, 2020

What I’m Watching: Insecure

Insecure: Season 4, Episode 3 “Lowkey Thankful” (B+)

This was definitely the most lowkey Thanksgiving TV episode I’ve ever seen, with a few casual gatherings and relatively minimal drama. Issa and her brother had the calmest day of all, deciding what they wanted to avoid and just spending some time together connecting on a human level. Putting off catching up with and confronting Molly is just going to make it worse, and I imagine the fissure in their relationship is going to come from Molly exploding at Issa for gradually ghosting her. Molly got taken to task for her own unwillingness to deal with an issue and forgive her father, and the point about her mother having accepted his apology and penance seemed to be what ultimately sold her on it. The most interesting meal was actually the one at Condola’s, where she and Lawrence did a pretty good job hosting and only got into trouble once the guests left. Judging the prospects of their relationship based on the comments of a drunk friend was not too advisable, and Condola flipped his question about her not being over her ex-husband on him because of his still-existent inside jokes with Issa. What’s more disconcerting is that he was somehow prompted by that conversation to continue interacting in a flirtatious way with Issa. Her comment that another woman was benefiting from being with a man she helped make better made some sense, but a relationship that still might not work could kill the newfound friendship she’s made with her number one coworker.

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