Thursday, May 28, 2020

What I’m Watching: Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow: Season 5, Episode 14 “The One Where We're Trapped On TV” (B)

On most shows, characters inexplicably appearing on sitcoms with laugh tracks might seem strange, but somehow it doesn’t seem so far from normal on this one. I’d like to see a little bit more of the big picture of this fate-ruled world where the worker drones edit history so that there’s nothing objectionable or rebellion-inspiring since we just got a taste with the chatty Mona and doomsday prophet Gary. At least it explains that Charlie had a whole plan to keep the legends alive since she knew her sisters might be victorious, though it doesn’t seem that she planned for them to ever escape their blissful TV show existences. I enjoyed the parodies of “Friends,” “Downton Abbey,” and “Star Trek,” with a real commitment to costumes and questionable copyright infringement. The notion of having both the Zari we used to know and the one we’ve come to know along with a reincarnated Behrad is definitely appealing since it gives us more legends to try to fight the deadly sisters, and I wouldn’t mind having two Zaris around for the foreseeable future. If Amaya and Charlie can have the same face, why can’t one actress play two characters at the same time, even if they’re (sort of) the same person? I don’t think this show’s season got shortened at all as a result of production delays, so I’m ready for what well could be a satisfying season finale to close out this run and prepare us for a surely enjoyable sixth season.

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