Wednesday, June 3, 2020

What I’m Watching: I Know This Much Is True

I Know This Much Is True: Season 1, Episode 4 (C+)

I understand that a big part of this show is representing the loss of time that both of these brothers experiences as their lives operate on a cycle of misery. We saw some of the formative moments that shaped them, like Ray going ballistic on Thomas before positioning himself as the hero by giving him another chance to get his grades up, and how, years later, Ray is still around, not nearly as destructive or influential as he used to be but still spouting the same sentiments that traumatized the twins so much as children. Dominick also contributed to Thomas’ decline by removing himself from the equation, choosing to room with Leo instead and then needing to wrestle a knife away from his brother when he reacted poorly. The fall the adult Dominick took was quite severe, and he’s just as stubborn and untrusting as ever now that he’s a hospital bed pretty much immobilized. The circumstances that led to that accident were intense, and even if it’s hard to identify the exact narrative and sequence of events, there’s evidently a good amount of anguish that drives Dominick on a daily basis. Nedra showing up at the hospital was a surprise, and the translation she’s prepared is sure to clue Dominick in to a long history of suffering in his family. He doesn’t seem to have any interest in the offspring that he’s so certain isn’t his, and he’s pushing Joy away. Thomas actually seemed relatively put together in his hearing, though his direct answers are likely to harm him, particularly his response to the question posed by Bruce Greenwood’s doctor that confirmed that he might listen to voices in his head even if they told him to harm someone.

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