Sunday, June 21, 2020

What I’m Watching: Search Party

Season three of “Search Party” premieres this Thursday on HBO Max. I’ve had the pleasure of watching all ten episodes in advance of their streaming debut – this review contains spoilers for the selected episode.

Search Party: Season 3, Episode 2 “The Rookie Lawyer” (B)

It’s good to see that, after some mildly harrowing experiences during their brief stints in jail, both Dory and Drew are out with some supporters trying their best to defend them. Dory being bailed out by Gail’s friends whose condition was that they let their daughter represent her for free did earn her some five-star sushi, but Cassidy doesn’t seem to have everything too together or be all that interested in hearing from her client. It’s not as if Dory listened, making a statement to all the gathered press that affirms her innocence and Drew’s while directly contradicting what all three of her co-conspirators have decided to say. Drew’s family wasn’t listening to him anyway, and they’re pretty committed to helping him whether he’s guilty or not. As usual, Portia and Elliott have no idea what they’re doing, and being forced to babysit after they did a terrible job dying their hair black showed how clueless they are. Shouting that they’ll be fine isn’t going to help them stay out of jail in any way. I’m excited about the casting of Michaela Watkins from "Casual" as federal prosecutor Polly Danziger, and she seems intent on going after her targets even if there is problematic evidence to suggest they’re not the culprits. As in the past, Chantal hasn’t thought through the consequences of her actions, and it doesn’t appear that any of her family members are going to be able to help her given that they’re prone to exactly the type of overly dramatic behavior that she is.

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