Tuesday, June 23, 2020

What I’m Watching: Search Party

Season three of “Search Party” premieres this Thursday on HBO Max. I’ve had the pleasure of watching all ten episodes in advance of their streaming debut – this review contains spoilers for the selected episode.

Search Party: Season 3, Episode 7 “Rogue Witness” (B+)

It still remains to be seen how Julian, who we’ve seen only sporadically this season, and Chantal, who’s going forward with her Chantal’s Castle premiere boutique shelter for heartbroken women, will be involved in this case or whether they’re being featured minimally only because they used to have more relevant roles on the show. Elliott being on the stand went about as well as Portia’s testimony, very strong and seemingly reliable at first before being totally obliterated. It was more reassuring when it was Dory and Cassidy who were bursting the bubble, and Polly was very happy to congratulate herself on taking down the defense’s star witness, who was made to be the opposite of credible once his many lies were exposed. His history of faking cancer wasn’t a great star, and things got much worse when Portia revealed that he was never enrolled at NYU and that he had hired actors to play his parents. He was not happy to see his real family there to show support, and Marc rightfully didn’t know how to respond to that until he came to the realization that knowing Elliott so well was actually a better reason to be with him. For someone who’s not so perceptive, new musical star Portia is much more aware of the sexual dynamics of her church friend group than those around her, which may not end up serving her all that well. Drew was not smart to sleep with one of the jurors, which will likely throw the case in jeopardy, and Dory’s outburst about losing the suitcase didn’t show her in a great light. Receiving that doll from her number one fan was creepy, and I think it’s about time her stalker made himself and his true intentions known.

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