Monday, July 27, 2020

Emmy Catch-Up: Ozark

Every year, I watch the six submitted episodes of every series I don’t regularly watch that’s up for one of the Emmy series prizes. This year, I’m getting a jump start to check out the entire season of some of most high-profile shows I didn’t watch when they originally aired.

Ozark: Season 3, Episode 9 “Fire Pink” (B+)

We knew since the first time that we met Ben that he was prone to uncontrollable behavior, which in that initial case meant the destruction of all the students’ cell phones, and in this case appears to mean the end of his own life. His belief that there was some way he could fix this had everyone around him worried, including Ruth, whose first reaction was to grab her shotgun, Wendy, who didn’t even want to speak to him, and Marty, who wanted to be straight with him about just how serious things were. Wendy taking him for a meal and trying to just have a good time with him before calling his location in herself was certainly difficult, and, along with her lying straight to Erin’s face, I wouldn’t be surprised if Laura Linney chose this episode as her Emmy submission (though I’d argue earlier installments are better – or maybe the finale, after I watch it). To me, the most powerful interaction was the one between Marty and Ben, when Ben thanked Marty for all of his help and expressed a true appreciation for the way that he was willing to help him, even if some of his advice ultimately landed him in trouble. Helen was cast as a true villain in this hour, showing up to stare Wendy down and then make clear that if this all didn’t end with Ben being taken care of, the entire Byrde family would be seen as the liability. I’m not sure what the focus of the finale is going to be but I am admittedly intrigued.

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