Sunday, July 19, 2020

Emmy Catch-Up: Pose

Every year, I watch the six submitted episodes of every series I don’t regularly watch that’s up for one of the Emmy series prizes. This year, I’m getting a jump start to check out the entire season of some of most high-profile shows I didn’t watch when they originally aired.

Pose: Season 2, Episode 7 “Blow” (B+)

Pray told everyone so, and now voguing is out, which means that any mainstreaming of the ball community is a thing of the past – or the far future. I like that Pray, Blanca, and occasionally Elektra see themselves as mentors for their younger housemates, determined to keep their spirits up just as much as providing them with food and shelter. Tasking Damon, Ricky, and Lulu with figuring out a way to put a giant condom over Frederica’s house was indeed a caper, and they ran with it, utilizing their unique skills to come up with a plan and execute it in style. I love that Elektra was complaining about a Ritz Carlton or a Marriott while everyone else was more than happy to stay in the motel, and that she wasn’t going to do any of the heavy lifting at the house but was happy to spring into action to provide a distraction when a neighbor showed up. Their effort was entertaining and didn’t seem to attract any negative attention, aside from Frederica’s renewed efforts to see Blanca ruined because she felt humiliated, so completely unable to see that her own struggles don’t hold a candle to what Blanca has endured. Angel and Papi deciding to do drugs because they were advertised as closer to medicine than anything else was a bad idea, and now Angel is coming face-to-face with the manipulative photographer again, which couldn’t come at a worse time. Pray forming a special relationship with Ricky is sweet, but it’s sad that it has to come when Ricky gets devastating news that’s going to change his entire outlook on life.

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