Saturday, July 25, 2020

Emmy Catch-Up: Schitt’s Creek

Every year, I watch the six submitted episodes of every series I don’t regularly watch that’s up for one of the Emmy series prizes. This year, I’m getting a jump start to check out the entire season of some of most high-profile shows I didn’t watch when they originally aired.

Schitt’s Creek: Season 6, Episode 8 “The Presidential Suite” (B)

This show seems to do drama pretty well, even if it comes in infrequent spurts and somewhat unexpectedly. Ted didn’t tell Alexis that he was coming home for the long weekend, but he still showed up and wanted to do more than just have sex the whole time. I was glad that Alexis understood, even before he came, that he needed to stay and take the job that was offered while she could never go there to be with him. Even with all that insight, she managed to forget that the reason he was an entire day late was because he drank milk, and therefore the heavily dairy meal that she had Twyla prepare was probably not the best choice. Though much of the tanning plotline was predictable, I liked seeing Patrick angry for once, upset that David had forced him to go without giving him any crucial advice that would have prevented him from looking like a carrot. It seems that, much as she’s holding on to her title of maid of honor, Stevie is never all that helpful since she probably could have seen this coming. Moira pressuring Johnny to let them stay in the presidential suite rather than their usual room was certainly creative, and it wasn’t at all surprising to see Roland and Jocelyn show up there after they had agreed that they weren’t going to stay there. Doing the right thing knowing the money they had put out to buy the motel was the only and obvious result.

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