Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Round Two: Brave New World

Brave New World: Season 1, Episode 2 “Want and Consequence” (B+)

This was a fascinating follow-up to the first installment, though we’re definitely seeing a show that’s constantly evolving and changing rather than one that’s going to continue to feature the same frightening status quo. Opening with a visual presentation of how the children are conditioned with shocks and raised to be aware of their place was disturbing, and we saw a bit more of that when Lenina got discriminated against because she’s a beta both on the flight launch and again on the bus before Bernard took the brat’s alpha pin. The wonder and amazement that Lenina showed as she saw everything and took in words whose meanings she didn’t know like virginity and prison was incredible, and Bernard seemed to take pride in the fact that he could educate her about this peculiar way of life. Dividing the park into houses of want, futility, consequence, and monogamy is very interesting as a warped snapshot of what human life is like in our world. The reenactment of Black Friday shopping was pretty violent and unsettling, and the fact that the young alphas were given popcorn to watch it shows just how little they think of this primitive society. It’s never pleasant watching people being gunned down, and the sudden shift to brutality here was startling. Whatever it means to be an alpha, I think Lenina is most deserving of that designation since she sprang into action to save Bernard while he pretty much froze up. I’m glad that John was the one who found them and I’m very intrigued to see what happens next since their survival seems unlikely.

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