Monday, July 13, 2020

What I’m Watching: Black Monday

Black Monday: Season 2, Episode 9 “At That Time” (B+)

So much for Roger’s death having a lasting impact on any of these characters. Tiff and Blair teamed up to go on the Christian show with what I thought would be a plea for forgiveness, but instead Blair read a suicide note allegedly from Roger blaming his dead lover entirely for everything – particularly Satan’s homosexual fornication – and suggesting that he could now be straight forever while Roger burns in hell, which wasn’t terribly sympathetic to the man who took his own life. Announcing Tiff’s pregnancy was a calculated move that she didn’t like, and he was even ready for Pastor Newell’s angry appearance, announcing his presence to his adoring flock so that he could ensure a safe getaway. Only at the end of the episode when Mo mocked Blair for being upset that Roger lost and he told him the truth did Blair show any real emotion about what happened, also expressing his strong desire to be done with Mo for good. I suspected at the start of the episode that Dawn showing up to apologize to Marcus was part of a ploy she had hatched with Mo, and it turns out I was right. Mo is nothing if not a schemer, and Alvin’s suggested options of suicide, running, or turning himself in didn’t seem too promising. Larry definitely wooed Keith back to a place of friendship with the help of the money on the stick, but the news Keith delivered about the FBI was on to them was definitely bad. It makes much more sense that Mo had his eureka moment and sent Blair, Dawn, and Keith out to do his bidding so that they can pull off their next big play heading into the season finale.

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