Friday, July 24, 2020

What I’m Watching: Little Voice

Little Voice: Season 1, Episode 5 “Quick, Quick Slow” (B+)

I’m always a fan of when shows bring all of their characters to interact together, even one like this that’s still getting to know all of them. Her synthetic cheese national spot in the studio provided her with some money that she could have used to purchase a new case but instead chose to spend on a music video, which ended up being a group project that involved some light law-breaking and plenty of creative angles. Bess is still way too much in her head, and jumping to consuming a good amount of alcohol when she wasn’t feeling it with Samuel wasn’t a great sign. Far more obvious was the change in pitch in her voice when she introduced Prisha to the two men in her life. She wasn’t expecting Laila to be there, and the fact that she made them great food only made her presence more unfortunate. Ethan did do a great job of guiding and filming her, but he also wasn’t subtle about trying to get Samuel out of the frame when he felt like he was getting too close to the girl that he really liked. Laila’s comment about getting New York out of Ethan’s system was a sign that they weren’t meant to be, but I have a feeling that she’s not going to react well to being dumped by him so that he can be honest in starting his relationship with Bess. Louie’s enthusiasm about BroadwayCon and his “Dear Even Hansen” costume were endearing, and I was glad to see everyone react well to him tracking them down via Prisha’s phone when he came to help with the music video.

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