Sunday, August 2, 2020

Emmy Catch-Up: Pose (Season Finale)

Every year, I watch the six submitted episodes of every series I don’t regularly watch that’s up for one of the Emmy series prizes. This year, I’m getting a jump start to check out the entire season of some of most high-profile shows I didn’t watch when they originally aired.

Pose: Season 2, Episode 10 “In My Heels” (B+)

I have to say, this has been one hell of an emotional season, and this episode was a formidable bookend to the powerful premiere that I watched a little six over six weeks ago. Blanca was doing well running her nail salon in her apartment but not doing well physically, and seeing her in the hospital felt even more devastating than Pray being there since she had always been such a source of strength, particularly for him when he was recovering. Noting that she was only thirty years old to Judy was sobering, and it really seemed as if this might be it for her. There was no better time, therefore, for the lip-synching category to give her the perfect opportunity to express herself, showing up in a wheelchair to perform an incredible rendition of the national anthem that was extremely moving. Noticing two young attendees and offering to buy them food was a very sweet way to send out the season, signaling a new generation to come and a continued generosity and sense of love on the part of the elders. Elektra taking a stand against the boys club of judges was a worthwhile endeavor, and everyone seemed to enjoy the role-reversal that helped them to literally put themselves in the shoes of others that they couldn’t possibly fully understand. Angel being cut off from gigs because she was outed was very sad, and it was so affirming and wonderful to see Papi take off as a manager and net her a gig whose funders were actually thrilled that she was trans. Them getting engaged was also a fantastic development. Damon’s return was sentimental and inspiring thanks to his own house father status in Paris, and it’s good to see that all the kids are doing pretty well. I’m definitely going to watch this show when it returns for season three, and I’m grateful for the enlightening and excellent experience this season has been. I'm sad that it didn't get an Emmy nomination for Best Drama Series and that only Billy Porter was singled out from a superb cast.

Season grade: A-
Season MVPs: Mj Rodriguez as Blanca, Dominique Jackson as Elektra, and Indya Moore as Angel

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