Sunday, August 16, 2020

Emmy Catch-Up: Schitt’s Creek (Series Finale)

Every year, I watch the six submitted episodes of every series I don’t regularly watch that’s up for one of the Emmy series prizes. This year, I’m getting a jump start to check out the entire season of some of most high-profile shows I didn’t watch when they originally aired.

Schitt’s Creek: Season 6, Episode 14 “Happy Ending” (B+)

Well, this is the end, and I was actually impressed that there wasn’t any particular fanfare or celebrity guest appearances to mark it. That and it had a normal running time, providing what I assume was the perfect sense of closure for longtime fans of the show. I suppose I’d probably be more invested had I started watching from the beginning of season one, as anyone I know who loves the show has told me I should have done, but I still grew to find some of the characters endearing and to root for a happy wedding for the couple in this closing installment. David is certainly a person who likes excess, and for it to be pouring rain on what should have been the greatest day of his life was a very bad start. Fortunately, Patrick really is wonderful and already had a massage planned for him weeks ahead of time because he knew David couldn’t handle stress well. It was entertaining to watch his reaction when David and Stevie excitedly nodded at each other and acknowledged the unexpected nature of the massage that Patrick really hadn’t realized he had ordered. Alexis wearing a white wedding dress was another faux pas that could have ruined it all, but the siblings had a sweet moment when she apologized for ruining his wedding and he told her that he was continually impressed by her. Moira wasn’t nearly as showy as she could have been while officiating, and even the contributions by Roland and Ray weren’t so terrible. Patrick singing during his vows was definitely a highlight. Johnny stopping the car for one last look at the town as they leave was appropriately nostalgic, with that parting shot of the Rose family’s faces on the billboard. I’ve enjoyed this season enough even if I still don’t see its absolute appeal, and feel better having been tuned in to at least this final run for this Emmy cycle. This episode may well win awards for both writing and directing, in addition to being supporting actor Dan Levy's submitted episode.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Annie Murphy as Alexis

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