Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Emmy Catch-Up: Schitt’s Creek

Every year, I watch the six submitted episodes of every series I don’t regularly watch that’s up for one of the Emmy series prizes. This year, I’m getting a jump start to check out the entire season of some of most high-profile shows I didn’t watch when they originally aired.

Schitt’s Creek: Season 6, Episode 12 “The Pitch” (B)

This is one case where having watched this show from the beginning might have provided some helpful context since Moira is really the only one who constantly acts as if she’s still on top of the world when she’s barely getting any work aside from her latest movie. Johnny’s advice is usually limited to dated references, and he’s aware that he’s no longer in the prestigious situation he once was. Getting flown to New York on a private jet was a major deal, and both Stevie and Roland dressed for the part, matching Johnny’s typical getup. An initial technological stumble and the absence of Johnny’s former assistant made for a rough start, but they really rallied when they went back in there to pitch motels as a reinvention of the future. Roland earned himself an unexpectedly dramatic moment when he went back in for his briefcase and heard them all mocking Johnny being so out of touch with modern times. Trusting the employee who said she was going rogue with her own operation felt risky, but it was the best shot they had, and these characters are very much known to get ahead of themselves. Alexis looking for two-bedroom apartments to share with David and Patrick in New York was absolutely premature, and Moira cutting a cake with someone else’s name on it was just cringeworthy. Everyone seemed thrilled to welcome the hometown heroes back at the end of the episode, except for Patrick, who may be the only soon-to-be-member of the Rose family who isn’t eager to leave where he currently is.

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