Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Emmy Catch-Up: What We Do in the Shadows

Every year, I watch the six submitted episodes of every series I don’t regularly watch that’s up for one of the Emmy series prizes. This year, I’m watching the entire season of every series nominated in the top category.

What We Do in the Shadows: Season 2, Episode 5 “Colin’s Promotion” (B)

It was refreshing to see a (spot)light on Colin in this episode since, at least in this season, has focused much more on the three more typical vampires. Colin working at a company whose function he doesn’t even know is indicative of the kind of character he is, one who delights at the opportunity to drill down to an impossible level on the most boring of topics, feeding off the unbelievable senselessness that results. Getting a promotion felt like the opposite of what he wanted, but instead it allowed him to be seen and forced others to listen to him, something that really did give him more power. Walking through the cubicles and simply pointing at each person and taking them out with one keyword made him all too happy, and it’s natural that he sought revenge on the roommates who never wanted to hang out with him because, understandably, he was probably just trying to drain them. The fact that he multiplied himself but then ended up boring his own clones to death was somewhat humorous, and I suppose it would have been a letdown if he had actually drained himself to death. Though he was egging them on, Nadja was right to be upset with an unrepentant Nandor for pillaging her village back in the day, and Laszlo’s revisions on the painting were creative and helpful. Somehow, Guillermo managed to avoid doing two things that would have been terrible: being eaten and confessing to his vampire master that he was a vampire killer.

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