Friday, August 28, 2020

Emmy Catch-Up: What We Do in the Shadows

Every year, I watch the six submitted episodes of every series I don’t regularly watch that’s up for one of the Emmy series prizes. This year, I’m watching the entire season of every series nominated in the top category.

What We Do in the Shadows: Season 2, Episode 9 “Witches” (C+)

I didn’t have any trouble recognizing actress Lucy Punch from “Ben and Kate” as Lilith, Nadja’s sworn enemy and the leader of the witches who all of a sudden decided to take Laszlo and Nandor so that they could extract their semen. That content was a bit more vulgar and explicit than I’ve come to expect on this show, which usually makes plenty of sexual references without taking them too far. Laszlo and Nadja’s marriage is also obviously very complicated since he readily admitted to having slept with a number of other women who looked vaguely or not at all like Nadja over the course of history. He also apparently slept with Nandor too, something that continued in a way at the end of this episode when the effects of his exciting captivity hadn’t quite worn off, ignored repeatedly by both Nadja and Colin. Nadja did at least try to pretend that she wasn’t offering Guillermo up to go into harm’s way even if that was exactly what she was doing. As usual, it was Guillermo who managed to save the day but got absolutely none of the credit. It makes sense that Colin would have spent a lot of time in escape rooms trying to drain his fellow participants by talking about other things, but he did seem eager to be praised for both his savvy and his sperm, which presumably is just another way of draining energy. This was the weakest installment of the season thus far, and I hope that the finale is a bit more satisfying.

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