Tuesday, October 6, 2020

What I’m Watching: Fargo

Fargo: Season 4, Episode 3 “Raddoppiarlo” (B+)

While I don’t think there’s a need to continue adding characters, I’m never going to object to seeing Timothy Olyphant. I found him particularly endearing and fantastic on “Santa Clarita Diet” and in guest appearances on “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and “The Good Place,” but what could be better than seeing him play yet another U.S. marshal after his Emmy-nominated turn on “Justified”? He definitely nails the style of dialogue prominently featured on this show and is absolutely unforgettable in just a portion of this episode. I hope that we’ll see him again. We learned a bit more about Rabbi Milligan, who is not Jewish and not a rabbi, but who was traded twice and now feels out of place, though he’s smart enough not to shoot someone without the proper authorization, even if that now means that he might be on the run. I’m not sure why there’s quite so much farting featured on this show since that already happened right before an accidental hit in episode one and then now during the hold-up. I much preferred the completely flummoxed reaction from Josto as Oraetta emerged from the hospital after conning her way into yet another hospital job and wrongly concluded that he was there spying on her. That’s an interesting and dangerous romance that will surely have violent conclusions. Though Loy may face more adversity than the other people in charge, he’s not necessarily any kinder, as evidenced by his flashing of the money that he so cruelly snatched away just as quickly as he produced it.

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