Monday, October 12, 2020

What I’m Watching: Lovecraft Country

Lovecraft Country: Season 1, Episode 9 “Rewind 1921” (B)

I have to imagine that most of the people watching this episode also made a recent television trip to the Tulsa race massacre of 1921 with the pilot of “Watchmen.” This presentation wasn’t as visually stark but was equally horrifying, particularly with Montrose able to recall what happened and to watch it all over again, helpless to do anything about it. While the events in Tulsa were organized to a degree and resulted in mass casualties and destroyed livelihood, it’s similar to what we’ve seen repeatedly on this show decades later, with police and other white people exerting their dominance over the Black population with no recourse of any kind for their actions. Atticus fulfilling an important memory of Montrose’s by being the mystery man who saved him was a cool moment, especially since these characters were starting to touch on how their presence there might affect the timeline, when in fact they had apparently always been there, at least in the universe they are currently experiencing. It’s a relief to see all of the characters together, even freely discussing their concerns and their responsibilities with Christina, who is going to help for her own benefit and is also dealing with other issues. Hippolyta now has blue hair, making her seem even more like a superhero, and hopefully she’ll still have some energy left for what awaits them in the finale. I thought that this show had already been renewed for a second season but it hasn’t yet, though I imagine we’ll hear that news sometime very soon.

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