Saturday, October 31, 2020

What I’m Watching: Manhunt: Deadly Games

Manhunt: Deadly Games: Season 2, Episode 7 “Eric” (B+)

It’s interesting to see the focus on Eric and who he is, so appreciative of the loyalty shown to him by Big John but not quite as able to show it with the two men he happened upon the woods who were nice enough to get him all the supplies he needed to build a new bomb. It’s hard to get an accurate read on exactly what motivates Eric, and it’s helpful to have the constant analysis of his mindset and actions by Earl and now the internal guilt activating for Brennan that makes him think that maybe he was wrong after all. Having Brennan realize that Eric likely set a trap for them rather than the other way around while Eric was looking through binoculars right at Brennan is unnerving, and if the local militia wasn’t enough of a threat, the experienced bomber having all the materials he needs and the perfect target in his sights is definitely cause for tremendous concern. At the same time, Richard got another opportunity to prove his innocence and his inherent goodness, one which appeared to, for the first time, truly work. Hearing that he wasn’t going to be able to dictate any questions for “60 Minutes” was laughable in part because of its unintended timing with Trump walking out of his interview last weekend because the questions weren’t fair, and it was refreshing to see an honest analysis that painted Richard as he’s been analyzed in the past but also exonerated him as best as possible. Brennan growing a conscience doesn’t mean the FBI as an institution is going to admit fault anytime soon, but this is certainly a step in the right direction.

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