Friday, November 20, 2020

Take Three: B Positive

B Positive: Season 1, Episode 3 “Foreign Bodies” (B+)

In order to truly appreciate this show, it’s necessary to embrace the fact that it is a Chuck Lorre sitcom, one that might involve some unnecessary antics that make it considerably less sophisticated. Fortunately, both lead actors are especially skilled at slapstick comedy and do a marvelous job of working with the material. Gina making her way into the window after climbing up the side of the house and Drew failing to throw an apple were great examples, and it was fun to see Drew involved in her dance videos at the end in a perfect way, which in turn made Maddie forever embarrassed to have him as her father. I’m glad that Gina is being slowly and inadvertently introduced to elements of Drew’s life, with Julia showing up surprised to see her living there and then Maddie being surprisingly open to a woman living in her dad’s house. I’m also happy that Gina and Drew aren’t doing anything remotely romantic, which made it possible for Julia to accidentally kiss Drew and then make it weird even though he probably wasn’t reading anything into it. The best line of the episode – or at least the best delivery – was Gina’s “I prefer Gina with the boobs,” which wasn’t the most explicit dialogue. That was reserved for the older actors in the cast, namely Bernie Kopell, who, at age eighty-seven, matches his scene partner Linda Lavin with his firing off of some typically sexually-charged one-liners. They’re hardly the best part of the show, but all of the players, including Briga Heelan, continue to be used well.

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