Thursday, November 12, 2020

Take Three: A Teacher

A Teacher: Season 1, Episode 3 (B+)

It’s always uncomfortable to watch lies spiral out of control, beginning with simple untruths that weren’t meant to cover anything significant and then turning into a far more problematic bit of damning evidence. Eric went ahead and invented an imaginary college girlfriend to cover for Claire’s extremely questionable decision not to identify herself as a teacher and instead escort her high school student to a college party. While he doesn’t act like a high schooler in many respects, choosing to just ignore Claire’s text messages when he ditched her for their latest study session was immature even if it did serve the typical purpose of such antics: push someone away so they only want you more. Claire was the one who was drinking at the dance with Kathryn, an idea that didn’t seem too good and likely resulted in her being more open to the possibility of something happening with Eric, which I was at least relieved to see didn’t take place on school property. It’s very likely that someone saw them leave together, but that’s a problem for another episode. What did seem to be confirmed in the final moments here was that the power dynamic was firmly shifted in Claire’s favor, with her as the one who could drive him and then telling him that they didn’t have to do anything before essentially ordering him to get in the backseat. I do believe they’ll be undone by someone else witnessing them rather than either of them sharing it since they’re both so wrapped up in their feelings for each other that they can’t see the potentially destructive nature of what they’ve now officially done.

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