Saturday, November 7, 2020

What I’m Watching: Manhunt: Deadly Games (Season Finale)

Manhunt: Deadly Games: Season 2, Episode 10 “Open Season” (B+)

This season has been about bombs, the demonization of Richard Jewell, and the hunt for Eric Rudolph, but it has also been about relationships. Brennan was a stubborn character when he was first introduced, completely unwilling to hear anyone else’s opinion, and he managed to transform completely into someone able to admit his mistakes and partner with those he had previously ignored, namely his new friend Earl. Having the two of them meet for a low-key celebration following Eric’s conviction was a great way to end, especially after Brennan was fired for his autonomy and Earl had to aid in sparing Eric the death penalty by noting the importance of finding the 270 pounds of explosives that he had left in places that could endanger the lives of many. After he was last seen betraying Hannah’s trust, Eric proved himself to be even more despicable by proudly admitting to his mother that he bombed the Olympics when they went there together as a family and proclaiming himself a god. Richard arguing for his right to some opportunity given that he had never committed a crime was further evidence that this followed him for his entire life, even if he did end up with a job where people appeared to support him at the time of Eric’s conviction. It’s sad to know that both Kathy and Richard died before their case was settled, each irreparably affected by the way the story was reported. This season was just as well-done and involving as the first, and I hope that we’ll see a third installment coming out sometime in the future.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Cameron Britton as Richard and Arliss Howard as Earl

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