Monday, November 23, 2020

What I’m Watching: The Undoing (Penultimate Episode)

The Undoing: Season 1, Episode 5 “Trial by Fury” (B)

A good twist only works if it makes sense, and especially since we don’t know all the information yet about just what it means. Henry has always been polite and sympathetic, aware enough of what adults do without having lost any of his innocence. Now, it seems that he might be the one who bludgeoned Elena to death, or at the very least that he hid the hammer his father used to protect him. I’m not sure I buy either of those theories since it would have made much more sense to, for instance, toss it into the river, though maybe if it was him, he wouldn’t have thought about that as a preteen without too much life experience. What’s abundantly clear is that Grace knew absolutely nothing about the man she married, and you’d think that the existence of a sister whose death happened on his watch at a young age would have come up at some point and not just casually years into their marriage at a restaurant. It also feels like this information should have come out during the prosecution’s research into the way they were trying to convict of murder since it’s likely available with minimal research and could have painted him in a negative light. The courtroom antics weren’t nearly as compelling as I might have expected from a David E. Kelley show, with lawyers hesitating to object and presenting gruesome images without any warning. I’m still intrigued but hopeful that the upcoming finale will be stronger and more even than some of this series has been so far.

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