Monday, November 30, 2020

What I’m Watching: The Undoing (Series Finale)

The Undoing: Season 1, Episode 6 “The Bloody Truth” (B)

I think I was expecting a big surprise to happen here that would reveal an unknown culprit or something that we never would have thought to consider, but instead it just turned out that Jonathan snapped and was guilty. Grace offering to testify on his behalf felt like a trap from the start, and Haley was only concerned about her apathy rather than her deliberate self-sabotage so that she could be deemed unreliable and make Jonathan look guilty in the process. That came after Haley succeeded in triggering Fernando into exploding and looking like a suspect, but no one even had to go there since, after all, he didn’t do it, and he was just being fiercely protective of his own son. Both Haley and Catherine, the prosecutor, were cutthroat and happy to employ tricks to sway the jury, and Catherine obviously managed to get a better handle on the judge’s temperament and to have him continually side with her. Jonathan not showing up for court was a dramatic development, and I do like that he didn’t just become a completely different person now that it was clear that he was guilty, but that he instead presented a lack of connection with the reality of his circumstances, eager to spend time with his son when he knew that his fate was sealed. The scene on the bridge was indeed powerful, and an emphatic end to this show, but there wasn’t anything overly transformative that compelled me to think differently about these characters, which I had hoped for and to a degree expected. This was still a good effort featuring some very solid and memorable performances, and I suspect it will be a significant player during awards season.

Series grade: B
Series MVP: Nicole Kidman and Hugh Grant

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