Monday, December 21, 2020

What I’m Watching: His Dark Materials

His Dark Materials: Season 2, Episode 6 “Malice” (B+)

I wasn’t sure whether this was technically the penultimate episode or if a third season might actually be in the works since it certainly seems like this season is based on the second book in a series of three (update: this show just got renewed for a third and final season). I did like that Jopari had an increased role in this hour, and I love the way that Andrew Scott says his lines, purporting that he could indeed fly because he was able to summon Lee when he needed to go somewhere in a fantastic way. I enjoyed that Lee didn’t find the supernatural abilities Jopari did possess to be all that useful, and I’m hoping that they’re going to end up crashing right where Lyra and Will are, which will make for a great reunion. There are many forces at play right now all trying to destroy each other, and yet the most threatening remain the individuals who are willing go to whatever lengths they need to achieve their aims. Father MacPahil is surging ahead, as are the witches. I had a feeling that Mrs. Coulter wasn’t going to like the fact that Lord Boreal tried to give her a compliment by calling her an equal, something that was offensive to her because she did see herself as superior to him. We haven’t seen Lord Asriel all season, and I’d like to at least see an epic reunion of all the major characters in the finale to prepare for what will hopefully be an even more worthwhile final year.

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