Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What I’m Watching: His Dark Materials (Season Finale)

His Dark Materials: Season 2, Episode 7 “Æsahættr” (B+)

This was a fitting finale for a second season that was much stronger and more consistent than the first, and which makes me excited for the coming third and last season. The confirmation that, in the prophecy, Lyra is meant to be Eve isn’t too surprising given that I suspected something like that, but it does make the stakes high and everyone even more interested in making sure she’s protected for that reason. Mrs. Coulter is using the specters to her advantage, summoning them to accompany her to seek Lyra out and ensure that she was in her custody. Will managed to reunite with his father only to see him killed right in front of him, and Lee courageously gave his life to ensure that Jopari could find the bearer of the knife who turned out to be his son. I’ve been wondering all season where Lord Asriel has been, and of course all we got was a parting tease with a considerably older-looking and more hardened Asriel practically begging to go to war. I can’t say I remember much about “The Amber Spyglass,” the third book in the series, but I do expect that it will be intriguing to watch it all unfold, particularly with all the different parties invested in Lyra with varying endgames in mind. I’m excited to hopefully have Asriel back in play after such a long absence, and I’ll now be prepared to tune in with optimism, a far better perspective than the one I had one year ago when season one concluded.

Season grade: B+
Season MVPs: Dafne Keen as Lyra, Ruth Wilson as Mrs. Coulter, and Andrew Scott as Jopari

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