Tuesday, December 8, 2020

What I’m Watching: A Teacher

A Teacher: Season 1, Episode 7 (B-)

This show is starting to feel like “Normal People” in terms of the scope of this relationship, moving forward a good bit of time to get to Eric being in college and Claire about to be released from jail. I know that Eric misses her, but so do we, and having an entire episode without her at all was a letdown. I suppose there wouldn’t have been any reason to see her being miserable in jail, and it will be far more interesting to see what life is like once she’s out and struggling to get back to normal with every single person she sees knowing what she did. I was surprised that Eric talked about it and answered the questions of his prying buddies, but it’s also hard for him to find anyone who doesn’t know about it. In contrast to her equally great turn as an RA who didn’t even know the name of the resident she wanted to sleep with in “S#!&house,” Dylan Gelula here played someone who at first praised Eric as a legend for having had sex with his teacher and then apologized to him, only to have him respond in an unfortunate and regrettable way to her request to take it slow. He was extremely unhappy about the special disciplinary lapdance he got when he pledged but that’s because it once again mocks the seriousness of the connection he felt to Claire as a person rather than just as his teacher. I’m sure that they’ll see each other again soon, and I’m very intrigued to see what happens when they do.

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