Friday, January 1, 2021

What I’m Watching: The Crown

The Crown: Season 4, Episode 9 “Avalanche” (B+)

The date March 10th, 1988 was important here as when an avalanche nearly claimed the life of Prince Charles, but it’s also a significant day for me in that it’s when I was born. It’s strange to place these events at that time, especially because I remember learning about Princess Diana as a child when she died years later. The fear of Charles having died was a helpful trigger for a bit of marital intervention from Elizabeth and Philip, but the effort, however well-intentioned, backfired considerably when Diana got to speak and then Philip essentially told Charles that his opinion didn’t matter at all given that she had said she wanted to try. Anne’s damning report of their marriage to her mother was fairly honest, and somehow Diana got cast in a bad light for having multiple affairs while Charles’ longstanding romance with just one woman, Camilla, was somehow more excusable. She did get him a series of gifts she thought he would like that he completely detested, and things took a much more serious and disturbing turn by the end of the episode when he refused to take any of her calls. On a lighter note, I did appreciate Anne’s very dry summary of how no one lived happily after and Philips’ amused reaction to Elizabeth asking who Billy Jo-el was. There’s only one episode left this season, and it’s odd to think that it’s the last time we’ll see this cast since seasons five and six will bring all-new actors to revisit these same characters.

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