Sunday, January 17, 2021

What I’m Watching: Dickinson

Dickinson: Season 2, Episode 4 “The Daisy follows soft the sun” (B+)

I’m always impressed with the way this show casts its guest roles, utilizing typically comedic actors to play iconic figures from history. I got to meet Timothy Simons, best known for “Veep,” at South by Southwest a few years ago when he was there playing a priest in the very funny movie “Yes, God, Yes.” I thought that he’d be cracking jokes or at least being obnoxious here, but instead he was rather serious and intellectual as Frederick Law Olmsted, who I have now learned was the architect of Central Park. The way he approached his work and life in general mesmerized Emily, who was very much in need of a different perspective after experiencing writer’s block following the submission of her poem to Samuel. Talking about the bench and the excitement of getting lost seemed to help Emily, even if she then found herself alone, running into Samuel moments later, whose news about accepting the poem and her now being famous forever didn’t sit well with her. I’m enjoying the focus on Lavinia and her desire for a passionate relationship rather than just the typical period romance Ship thought was ideal, and his proposal, followed by the excitement over her saying “okay,” left a bit to be desired. Austin volunteering to adopt the girls was an unexpected decision, and one that Sue was not happy with at all, further driving a wedge between them that will hopefully send her back to Emily since both of them could benefit from that relationship restarting. Mrs. Dickinson made a statement by not helping Edward up out of the hole, and maybe now that they’re rid of their new children and he’s had some time to think, he can start paying her more attention. I enjoy Maggie’s brief scenes, including the one where she commented about how some people get a kick out of someone being the master.

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