Thursday, January 14, 2021

What I’m Watching: Search Party (Season Premiere)

Search Party: Season 4, Episode 1 “The Girl in the Basement” (B+)

I really like this very odd show, and I’m happy that this season will air over a longer stretch of time this year, following previous rollouts of one week, two episodes per week, and the entire season in just one day. Three episodes at once with four the third week feels fine to me, and, while I’m writing this review, I’m already looking forward to the next two installments that I’m about to watch. I was worried that the main storyline might be a bit creepy and disturbing, with Dory now being held captive with a shaven head and chains all around her by her delusional wannabe best friend Chip. While there is definitely something unnerving about it, Dory did embrace her notorious celebrity status in a big way in season three and literally got away with murder. Now, it’s intriguing to see how she’s trying to manipulate the man holding her hostage, and I assume that her cleverness is only going to get her into more trouble. What I enjoyed most about this episode was the way we saw Elliott, Portia, and Drew react to the note that was so clearly not left by Dory but that they didn’t even suspect might have been written by someone else. It’s going to take them a while to even realize that Dory has been kidnapped and not gone off to discover herself in Europe. I’m not sure how they’re going to spend their time this season, aside from Elliott doing his talk show and some weird drunken threesome make-out sessions, but I am very excited to see what they do and just hapless they are as their friend could really use their help.

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