Thursday, January 28, 2021

What I’m Watching: Search Party (Season Finale)

Search Party: Season 4, Episode 10 “The Shadows” (B+)

All I kept thinking during this episode was what a dark turn it was to have Dory die in a fire, and how unexpected it was to have the main character of a series die. Unfortunately, there’s no indication that this show will be back for a fifth season, which I’m worried may not happen since its season four renewal was so long ago, before season three even premiered. I did notice that we didn’t see Dory die and there was no mention of how it happened, and that was a helpful clue for the startling final scene in which she didn’t actually die and apparently just had a moment to visualize what could have happened if she had. Even if this all wasn’t real – which is what I suspect – it was a powerful and typically peculiar way to say goodbye to the character, with Portia giving a speech mostly about herself, Elliott sort of pandering to right-wing patriots, and Drew singing a heartfelt song that he acknowledged Dory would have hated. I appreciated the opportunity to see past characters like Dory’s parents, Portia’s mother, Julian, and Gail. It was also great to see Chantal affirm that she really didn’t know any of them but still feel like she should say something nice to the group. I don’t know what to make of the clairvoyant or Chip’s final very threatening message, but Dory’s last-words video was unexpectedly poignant. I do hope that she is still alive and that we’ll see her and this group again. This show is unapologetically bizarre but it really does work so well.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Alia Shawkat as Dory

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