Monday, January 18, 2021

What I’m Watching: Shameless: Hall of Shame

Shameless: Hall of Shame: Episode 3 “Lip and Tami: Once Upon a Phillip Gallagher” (B+)

These flashback episodes are really showing how much these characters have grown up since the show started. Lip is now such an adult, both a father and a partner to someone who asks a lot of him, but has at least become somewhat nicer after their initial meeting and her endearing “Jabby” nickname. While this show continues to be excellent, I forgot just how good this show was when it first started. I didn’t remember anything about Karen, that she had a baby, that Mandy hit her with a car, and that Amanda, his roommate’s girlfriend at college, was the one who made his relationship with Helene public after she felt that he had broken her heart. There was also so much criminal activity and so much smoking, but of course his most serious vice is his alcoholism, which was featured midway through this episode as he found himself unable to remember what he had done as he was being kicked out and also saw him watch Professor Youens experience the consequences of his addiction. I’m glad that it wasn’t too focused on Frank, even though Lip has definitely been affected by the negative influence of his father in his life. Framing it as a fairy tale or bedtime story to tell Fred as he went to bed was cute, and I enjoyed how he finally got around to introducing Tami towards the end of the hour and made it seem far more pleasant and romantic than it initially was.

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