Tuesday, January 26, 2021

What I’m Watching: Snowpiercer (Season Premiere)

Snowpiercer: Season 2, Episode 1 “The Time of Two Engines” (B)

This show is back just six months after its first season concluded and not too much more than that since it first started. It also just scored a season three renewal, so its characters are evidently going to survive for a while even that doesn’t feel likely at the moment. I do think that the casting of Sean Bean from “Game of Thrones” and “Legends” as Mr. Wilford is very strong, and he’s certainly indulging in the excess of his personality, which is far from kind to Melanie, who everyone seems to perceive as having deeply betrayed them. That’s especially true of Alex, who had no interest in getting to know her mother and only indicated a mild softness in comparison with the harsh, unfeeling nature of Mr. Wilford. It’s interesting to see how things have changed aboard Snowpiercer and how they’ve mostly rallied together, aside from a few rebellious elements and the unfortunate need for Andre to impose martial law. The leadership team of Andre, Ruth, and Bess has a diverse range of allegiances, and they seem most intent on the survival of the train and those aboard it. Zarah’s pregnancy being revealed and her being moved to first class surely won’t be taken well, though I think everyone has much literally bigger things to worry about with the giant who was apparently impervious to the freezing temperatures who managed to stop a full-fledged onslaught on the other train all by himself. The war is just getting started, and from the looks of it, both sides are equally in it to win.

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