Saturday, February 27, 2021

What I’m Watching: B Positive

B Positive: Season 1, Episode 9 “B Negative” (B)

Seeing this episode’s title before I watched it made it seem likely that Jerry’s kidney wasn’t going to take, an unfortunate event that appears to have taken more of a toll on Drew than on any of the rest of them, including Jerry. It was nice to see all of them out of dialysis and celebrating together in a restaurant with Gina, and then gathered around his hospital bed grappling with this turn of events before Gina burst in holding balloons since she hadn’t heard that the news wasn’t all so good. The future-focus was productive in this case, giving each of the characters the opportunity to think about what they want to achieve if indeed they do still have time left. Gina deciding that she might need to get a different job prompted a serious intervention from Norma, who initially offered up a glowing letter of recommendation before turning it into a guilt trip that Gina did not take well. Smoothing things over after she stormed out of bingo was sweet, and I think we’ll get to look forward to Gina starting to apply for jobs with her completely exaggerated and mostly fabricated resume. Drew starting to plan a trip to Iceland with his daughter was very much not like him, something Maddie was quick to point out. Taking Jerry’s failed transplant as a sign that he should take the trip immediately was even more startling, and I have a feeling he’s not going to get on that plane if Gina has anything to say about it since reckless isn’t the only antidote to being overcautious.

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