Monday, February 1, 2021

What I’m Watching: Mr. Mayor

Mr. Mayor: Season 1, Episode 5 “Dodger Day” (B)

There’s a real jump to extremes that seems to happen for all of the supporting characters on this show in every episode, while Neil and Arpi have a less frantic attitude that’s considerably more laissez-faire. Tommy’s flailing attempts at flirting with the security guard led him not only to demand an ID photo retake and stage a fake service anniversary ceremony to keep the uncompromising Daniella occupied. Mikaela bought into his desperation about her own love life, and it seems very easy to get her distracted and onto a complete unrelated topic for an entire day. I was happy to see Gabrielle Ruiz, one of actress Vella Lovell’s costars from “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend,” as Emily, the woman who seemed to very much want to meet Jayden. I knew something would have to go wrong there, and Neil and Arpi deciding to sacrifice him to distract from the negative press about the helmet-sharing program (a pretty problematic idea in itself even if I would like it as a bikeshare user). Neil’s eagerness to throw out the first pitch even though he was warned not to do it ended up backfiring when he sneezed and threw his back out, and I liked that Arpi’s first reaction was to tell him how easy it would be to kill him. The regimen she suggested to pretty much stay completely still and do nothing for every moment until he went out on the field was as absurd as anything else on this show, and naturally he needed to do a bad job when it actually came time to do it anyway.

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