Saturday, February 13, 2021

What I’m Watching: Mr. Mayor

Mr. Mayor: Season 1, Episode 7 “Avocado Crisis” (B)

An avocado shortage is indeed a problem that would only be such a big deal in California, and though I lost a bit of the joke, I enjoyed the mention of Passover coming up as another reason that they’d want to get this handled as soon as possible. Neil trying to rebrand the monkeyface eel as the avocado fish was a terrible plan, and it really did seem terribly unappealing and downright disgusting. Leave it to this show to include a twist that Beau Bridges’ Adolphus Hass, who prefers to be called Adolf, was hoarding avocados to drive the price up but was undone by the fact that they were ripening too fast and would be worthless when he tried to put them back on the market. Mikaela not being able to sleep but being easily knocked out by Arpi launching into one of her long and impossibly boring presentations was a humorous subplot that initially seemed unbelievable but then turned out to be deeper when Arpi used an ability she deduced she had to her advantage. She also gave Mikaela some purpose when she listened to the whole thing and gave her the advice that it wasn’t at all a good idea. She even got her subordinate who kept taking her coffee and complaining about how she got his order wrong back by slapping away the drink he actually got her to apologize for his continued misunderstanding. In terms of throwaway lines connected to nothing else, Neil asking if Shondaland was a real place is my winner.

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