Friday, February 19, 2021

What I’m Watching: Mr. Mayor

Mr. Mayor: Season 1, Episode 8 “Hearts Before Parts” (B)

This episode was an entertaining opportunity to see all of the characters interact and make each other crazy. I liked the unexpected pairings at trivia that resulted in Tommy and Arpi proving less than successful against the constantly victorious team of Jayden and Mikaela. There wasn’t all that much logic to it other than that Arpi was ready to answer specific questions that weren’t really asked and that Tommy claimed to know each of the answers only after Jayden or Mikaela came up with them first. That competitive nature was clearly going to get the best of them, and I enjoyed that they were at each other’s throats to the point that they split up into individual teams only to realize that they had all accidentally proofed the same section of the budget. I can relate to spending hours going over content for accuracy and then missing a typo on the cover page, and fortunately they were all back on the same page by that time to be able to pull together and fix it. The best part of this episode was the delight Orly got in teaching her father a lesson when he gave her a speech about making positive relationship decisions and then spent the night with a friend he didn’t consider all that special. Missi Pyle was a great casting choice, and I liked her refusal to believe that Neil was the mayor when they both broke up with each other. Orly certainly did have a lot of fun, and I like that it all ended with her helping Neil set up a dating profile on a site that wasn’t Postmates.

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