Monday, March 1, 2021

What I’m Watching: Dickinson (Season Finale)

Dickinson: Season 2, Episode 10 “You cannot put a Fire out” (B+)

I’ve been hoping for this all season, and it really didn’t seem like it was going to happen, even midway through this episode. Sue and Austin have been growing apart all season, and him taking on responsibilities to love Jane and her child felt like a clear indicator that he was checking out of his marriage in the fullest way possible. Sue chose the right moment to leave, right before that fire, and Emily was in mood to see her, to the point of putting her hand around her neck when she was trying to make her case. That managed to turn into something far more passionate, outdoing what Sue appeared to feel when she was with Samuel. It’s good to see them back together again, and I think it’s going to inspire a much more positive outlook in season three. Samuel proved his obnoxiousness when he responded to Emily calling him the devil with the assertion that he was a feminist, and it was great to see the oft-ignored Maggie step in to slyly help one of the only people who actually acknowledges her existence. I don’t know what’s next for Lavinia and Ship, but I’m glad she refused to accept his obsession with going to New Orleans, which he insisted on calling NOLA each time. Edward’s premonition felt very ominous, reminiscent of Emily’s haunting visions of Frazer, and I’m curious to see how that’s incorporated into season three. I liked season one but this year has been even better, and I can’t wait for more in season three.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Anna Baryshnikov as Lavinia

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