Friday, March 19, 2021

What I’m Watching: Resident Alien

Resident Alien: Season 1, Episode 8 “End of the World As We Know It” (B+)

As I’m watching this show, I feel like it’s charting exactly the course I’d expect it to, but that’s a relief rather than a disappointment. There’s something so familiar, welcome, and fantastic about it. Getting trapped in a situation where his identity was finally revealed to Asta was inevitable, but it also presented the perfect opportunity for her to find out, be alarmed, disgusted, angry, and confused, and then realize that she’s ultimately going to help her friend however she needs to, which includes ditching Darcy after she managed to recover from her “127 Hours”-style final video message and get them out of there. Asta managed to get a good deal of information out of Harry about his real life and the genderless partner he had 342 children with, a far more appealing story than him talking about Isabelle having sex with him repeatedly or his response to her accidentally brushing an area of his lower body. His interpretation of “The Wizard of Oz” as Dorothy invading the poor monkeys’ territory provided an interesting perspective, though we know it’s hard to sympathize with the alien who was celebrating that no one was dying today, but how about tomorrow? I liked Dan’s reaction to seeing Harry’s true form on his table, and he didn’t seem too into chopping off Harry’s leg, something Asta was all set to do. I also loved that we got to see more of the competitive relationship between Mike and Ben, which influenced the mayor to be far too bossy with his wife while they were out at dinner while Mike had to see Liv come to the office to collect her things and not talk to him. Kate’s bathroom run-in with Lisa after she saw Max’s poster was concerning, and it’s clear that she’s going to stop at nothing to find this alien, no matter who she has to kill (if David doesn’t stop her) along the way.

I’m also beyond excited that this show has been renewed for a second season! I can’t wait for more.

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