Tuesday, March 2, 2021

What I’m Watching: Shameless: Hall of Shame

Shameless: Hall of Shame: Episode 6 “Frank: Ghosts of Gallagher Past” (B-)

I’d say this was the weakest of the hall of shame episodes, which I’m still glad we got since it was an entertaining reminder of just how much material this show has covered in its eleven seasons. I think that I just wasn’t all that impressed by the framing device that found Frank encountering three different people from his past, present, and future who were supposed to remind just how terrible a person he is. There also wasn’t any mention of the alcoholic dementia diagnosis that he’s just received and the fact that he might end up meeting a sadder and more dramatic end than anyone anticipated that could even pull at the heartstrings of the children who have literally tried to kill him on a number of occasions. An entire montage dedicated to things being inserted into a part of his body made the tone considerably more comical, while shots of him putting a toothbrush down his pants and choosing the opportunity to win a drinking contest over tending to his miscarrying girlfriend didn’t show him in the best light. Turning down Dottie’s new heart right before he had sex with her until she died was another low moment, and I think his existence is best summed up by that preview of the two things that would remain after the apocalypse: cockroaches and Frank Gallagher. This nostalgia trip has been a nice way to ensure that almost every week had plenty of Gallagher craziness, and I’m looking forward to getting back to the final episodes of new content over the next few weeks.

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