Monday, April 19, 2021

What I’m Watching: B Positive

B Positive: Season 1, Episode 14 “Love Life Support” (B+)

I’m glad that all of this sneaking around didn’t last long, even though it was funny to see how much Gina appeared to manage to cover up her stumbling in late at night and waking up Drew and Norma. Drew’s knowledge of the whole thing meant that it was out in the open and needed to be deal with, and him being the “mystery meat in their love Sloppy Joe” ended up leading to a truly awkward and excessive display of support for their relationship from a clearly unhappy Drew. Trying to buy all the flowers the woman in the restaurant was selling for the happy couple was a particular low point, though Jerry and his stolen butter took the bigger brunt of all that when Samantha reacted angrily to his offer of a flower for her. It wasn’t Drew but Gina who nearly undid things in her newfound relationship after she panicked following Gabby and Norma convincing her that Eli inviting her to come to a family wedding in Las Vegas was serious. She nearly got away with having Paul sleep over until he returned for his bagel and a kiss, and luckily Eli does seem invested enough in trying to make this work that he was open to giving her another chance. Paul mistaking Norma and Drew for Gina’s parents was a very entertaining moment, and though I don’t think it will go anywhere, Norma pointing out that she knows Drew has feelings for Gina was probably better said than left unsaid.

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