Tuesday, April 13, 2021

What I’m Watching: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Season 1, Episode 4 “The Whole World Is Watching” (B+)

This episode was easier to follow even without the context of who people are, and the main summary was people who have generally similar beliefs fighting with each other instead of focusing on their real enemies. Ayo made her terms clear, and of course it was Zemo who managed to get away when John took the wrong approach with the Wakandans, resulting in Bucky getting his arm ripped off and plenty of other unpleasantness. Zemo is smart and knows how to stay alive, getting just as much information as he needs and keeping it from those who would take it and then punish him rather than understand his necessary value. As Sam was making an appeal to Karli to change her ways, she was also making an appeal to him to join her cause, something that we know he won’t do but which does seem more understandable when presented that way. Unfortunately, John’s impulsive arrival meant that Karli doesn’t trust him, and she’s shown that she’s ready to reach him in different ways, namely through his sister. The biggest and most memorable moment of this episode came after the unexpected death of Lemar, a character I thought was very interesting, and the immediate impact it had on John. Sam and Bucky have been telling him repeatedly that he’s not Captain America, but even if he’s never going to be Steve, he very much is Captain America for the entire world, who have now just witnessed him violently beating someone to death with his shield. That’s going to have major implications for the final two episodes of this show, and I’m definitely more intrigued than I’ve been thus far.

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