Wednesday, May 19, 2021

What I’m Watching: B Positive (Season Finale)

B Positive: Season 1, Episode 18 “Life Expectancy” (B+)

I didn’t realize when I started to watch this episode that it was the season finale, but waiting to watch until a few days after it aired meant that I already knew it would be back for a second season, which was reassuring. This was a strong way to end since it doesn’t definitely say how things will look in season two, and there’s still plenty of opportunity for comedy and drama with the same characters even if the transplant was entirely successful. The montage video made by all their friends and them riding together in the limo that Drew ordered to take them to the hospital was surprisingly sweet, showcasing a serious and heartwarming side of this show that hasn’t always been so prominent. I’m glad that Drew said I love you and didn’t make any aspect of the relationship romantic, and that both Adriana and Eli are both still in the picture but not in a definitive way, leaving the door open for other possibilities down the road as they both begin their new lives with and without a kidney. It’s more fun to have Gina still live with Drew for the foreseeable future, and the dialysis characters can remain a part of the story even if Drew is no longer stopping by there. I don’t mind Megyn’s bubbly energy and wouldn’t mind seeing more of her, though I’m also curious where Briga Heelan’s Samantha disappeared off to since she was mysteriously absent from these last few episodes. I had a lot of fun talking to series creator Marco Pennette before this show started, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of it in season two and beyond.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Annaleigh Ashford as Gina

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