Sunday, May 23, 2021

What I’m Watching: Home Economics

Home Economics: Season 1, Episode 7 “Opus Cabernet, 2015, $500” (B+)

We don’t see too much of the grandparents on this show aside from that one episode in which they nearly moved way too close to all of their adult children, but that montage from early on in this installment that showed how Tom, Sarah, and Connor managed to ruin every single one of their anniversaries summed it all up. In this case, they simply celebrated the peace and quiet that came with not having them in the way and instead being able to indoctrinate their tamer if culturally uneducated grandchildren while sitting out by the pool in bathrobes. Tom sending the info about his book deal to Connor by mistake was unfortunate, and I enjoyed the complete lack of maturity that followed, including the threat from Sarah and Connor that it would be them or the book. Denise being mad at Marina for betraying their secret married-in club was especially funny, and that bottle of wine took the brunt of the aggression both of them felt. Relationships like those are one of the main reasons I enjoy ensemble comedies, and I hope to see more references to that in the future. The existence of the entity known alternatively as Alicia Silverstick and Sticolas Cage was amusing, and of course the whole wine cellar saga would end with every bottle breaking in a slow-motion domino-style horror show. I do think that Nicole Byer, best known as the host of “Nailed It,” is a great choice to play Amanda, Tom’s editor who enjoys his attitude but wants to always be the one to hang up on him in the future.

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